- Eco-Strip products are shipped from our Virginia warehouse via UPS and USPS with a Tracking Number.
- Orders are shipped without a signature required. If the security of this delivery method is of concern, a safer shipping address should be submitted with the order.
- Customers will receive their tracking number via email with their sales receipt and can follow the delivery path for their order through the UPS and USPS website.
- When the Free Shipping option is chosen, Eco-Strip reserves the right to ship via UPS or USPS.
When orders are placed through this website, expedited shipping options are posted with their prices. Customers select their options.
- Eco-Strip does not ship products outside North America. The Speedheater™ electric tools sold by Eco-Strip are manufactured specifically for 110-120V electrical systems only. Dealers is other countries which sell 220V units can be located at on the Speedheater System international website:http://speedheater.se/sida/retailers.
Shipping & Delivery