
Double Trouble Bundle

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Are you overwhelmed by needing to strip all the paint off both the exterior and interior of your old house? You need our Double Trouble Bundle. The larger  Speedheater™1100 Infrared Paint Remover and our smaller Speedheater™ Cobra plus our Boomerang Scraper do all these projects efficiently. The Speedheater™ Method is faster, cleaner, and safer than other paint removal methods like chemicals, sanding and blow torching.

The Speedheater™1100 heats a 3” x 10” area in one application and works best on large, flat surfaces like siding, floors and ceilings and on the long strips of interior trim and doors. This Kit includes the two most common scrapers for these surfaces: the Clapboard Scraper for flat and straight-angled surfaces; and the Profile Scraper for long, wide-curved surfaces like German siding and fluted columns.

Head inside your home with confidence when you are armed with a Cobra and Boomerang, Clapboard, and Profile Scrapers. The 3” x 3” head of the Cobra fits easily in the tight spaces where other paint removers cannot reach. This combination of tools is the most efficient way to remove thick paint from intricately cut, carved wood and plaster and from complex, concave, convex, and curved surfaces. Many professional restorers use these tools in their shops and take the full set when they’re doing fieldwork. Be ready with the Double Trouble Bundle to tackle any paint stripping job in your old home.

Doing the stripping of your siding by yourself? Need a second worker? Order a Hands-Free Attachment to hold your Speedheater™1100.  Save muscle fatigue for your choice of a Hands-Free Attachment. Add to your cart your selection below.

Flexi Arm or IR Rack Kit



Speedheater™Standard 1100 Kit includes the components you need to remove worn out paint or varnish from large surfaces. 20-60 seconds are all that are needed for the paint to reach 200-400℉, bubble and slightly smoke. At this temperature the lead in old paint does not become toxic fumes. The heated paint should be scraped immediately before it cools and re-adheres. The Kit includes the Speedheater™Standard 1100 and our two most-commonly-used Scrapers: the straight-edged Clapboard Scraper and the curve-edged Profile Scraper. Unlike many paint scraper handles, ours are long. They allow you to use both hands on the handle for more pressure while pulling the scraper towards you. Your strokes are wider and more even. The blades are “spring steel” and more resistant to nicking and cracking from hitting nails.

Speedheater™ Cobra

The Speedheater™ Cobra strips paint, varnish, and adhesives with incredible speed. It is very effective and convenient for both interior and exterior paint removal, window paint and putty, and furniture.

  • The concentrated infrared rays of the Cobra soften thick paint in 3-5 seconds.
  • It softens rock-hard, window putty in less than 10 seconds without breaking the glass.
  • The small 3” x 3” head gets into hard-to-reach areas with curves and details like spindles, carved wood, and furniture.
  • It protects our environment by eliminating flying chips and flying dust.
  • It uses approximately 75% less energy than commonly-used heat gun

Boomerang Scraper

The long ergonomic handle ensures a comfortable grip while the laser-cut, Swedish, spring steel blade provides the quality scraping your jobs require. This scraper has two convex sides and one concave side, making it excellent for rounded edges, posts, and shutters. Use the Boomerang Scraper especially when working in hard-to-reach areas, narrow, rounded grooves, and intricate, carved wood.

Item Number 4-0200

Item Number 1-700-C

Complete Instruction and Safety Manual:


Speedheater™ 1100 Kit
Speedheater™ Cobra
Boomerang Scraper

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