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Restoration Story: How do Speedheaters cope with 75 doors & 100 windows?

By February 27, 2025No Comments

What difference could Speedheater tools make to your renovation? We asked Kevin Simmons and Cheryl Black about how they have used Speedheater technology in their project. They are currently restoring the historic Mauchline Manor back to its former glory. The manor is a spectacular tudor revival mansion in Wilmington, Delaware – built in 1916.

Before purchasing the property in 2022, the manor had been vacant for 15 years. It was Kevin and Chery’s grandkids that prompted them to move and acquire Mauchline Manor. The Manor is their third historic house renovation, after taking on a 1900s firehouse in San Francisco, followed by an 1873 Second Empire home in Old Salem, North Carolina!

Over the years, Kevin has refined his restoration expertise. What began as summer work with carpenters and roofers during college has evolved into a deep knowledge of the craft, apprenticing under the very master craftsmen he hires for his projects. Kevin and Cheryl are now 85% through the process of restoring Mauchline Manor, after over 2 years of full-time work. In this interview with Eco-Strip, they describe their renovation and how Speedheaters have helped with specific projects.

Can you tell us about your journey restoring Mauchline Manor? What inspired you to restore a manor that had been vacant for so long?

We planned to move to the general area to be near family, and when we found the old mansion through an online search, we were intrigued enough to send Kevin up to take a look. After his tour, his first comment was: ‘I don’t hate it as much as I want to’. The home is an architectural gem with fabulous bones, but it was crumbling and would have deteriorated beyond the point of repair if someone didn’t step up and take on the challenge. We have the experience necessary and were at a unique point in our lives where we both could devote time and attention to this mission.

How far are you through your restoration? Do you have a completion date?
We think we are about 85% through the process. We are hoping to be complete with the main portion in April but have big plans for the basement that will follow.

Can you describe a project you completed using Speedheater™ technology? What specific challenges were you facing with your project before using a Speedheater?

We have literally 75 plus doors, and over 100 windows. These all had multiple layers of paint, including lead paint, and the windows were non-functional. We wanted to create a safe and lead-free space, and to get all the windows functional and restored. This project is virtually complete barring a door that was recently reclaimed from the basement of the church that owned the manor for several decades.

How did Speedheater™ technology help you overcome these challenges? What features were most beneficial?

We couldn’t have done this without Speedheater™ technology which allowed us to do much of the work in place. It afforded us the ability to significantly reduce/eliminate dust, and to easily collect and properly dispose of lead pain by-products. It ensured that we didn’t need to use toxic chemicals. And the biggest benefit of all was the amount of time we saved by using Speedheater technology.

Can you walk us through the process of using the Speedheater for your project? How easy was it to learn and use? What were the results of your project? How did the final outcome compare to your expectations?

There was a little bit of a learning curve to understand the exact timing when using the devices on different surfaces, but that learning curve was relatively short. We quickly became experts in using the both the Speedheater Cobra and the Speedheater Standard 1100. We used the Standard 1100 on removed doors place on sawhorses, and used the Cobra for all the in place window casements.

The results exceeded our expectations both in creating a beautiful stain quality result wood, as well as in allowing us to strip to many doors, windows, baseboards and moulding in record time.

Do you have any tips or advice for others considering using a Speedheater™ kit for similar projects?

Before you spend a lot of time and energy on sanding, chemical peelers and other options, PURCHASE A SPEEDHEATER. This will save you a lot of time and aggravation and will pay for itself in one day.

One mistake we made early on, was not trusting the machine to do the work and scraping harder than was necessary.

How would you describe your overall experience with Eco-Strip’s products and customer service? Did you reach out to Eco-Strip for support during your project? If so, how was your experience with their customer service?

We had an issue with a machine being dropped and therefore in need of repair. We contacted Eco-Strip and they had us return the product which they promptly repaired and returned. The process was quick, seamless and extremely professional.

Would you recommend Speedheater kits to others? If so, what would you highlight as the key benefits?

Absolutely, and we have recommended it already to many friends and neighbours. It saves time, is cost effective and environmentally friendly in removing lead-based paint.

What’s next in your restoration journey? Do you have a new project in mind?

Absolutely nothing else in mind. If we ever truly finish this project, we hope to take a break. But with us, you never know. This is an extremely taxing and time-consuming project and we are relying heavily on the community for support and advice. Our social media community, including Eco-Strip and Speedheater has truly inspired us to keep going.

Thank you to Kevin and Cheryl for sharing their restoration story at Mauchline Manor!

Follow Mauchline Manor’s restoration online!

To see behind-the scenes of Mauchline Manor’s restoration, follow the restoration on the Mauchline Facebook page.

Kevin and Cheryl post regular restoration updates and photos from the Manor.

Meet the Speedheater Cobra! 

The Speedheater™ Cobra is the FASTEST infrared paint remover on the market. The Cobra is the perfect tool for DIY homeowners stripping doors, windows, spindles, tight spaces, furniture, and more.

With its 20-year-tested infrared technology and with incredible speed the new Cobra strips paint, varnish, and adhesives.

Learn more about how the Speedheater™ Cobra can transform your restoration on this page.